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The Biblical Significance of the Month of Kislev

Kislev is the ninth month counted from Nissan, and it falls on the darkest period in the year (in the Northern hemisphere): the nights are getting longer, there is less and less light, a process which culminates at the Winter Solstice on 21 December. Therefore, it is not surprising that light and darkness play a role in this month.


At the end of Kislev, the holiday of Chanukah takes place. It starts on 25th day of Kislev and continues into the month of Tevet, and it is known as the “festival of light”.


What other Biblical events occurred during the month of Kislev?

The greatest prophecy yet to be fulfilled in the history of the modern restoration of Israel is the outpouring of the Spirit foretold by many prophets in Scripture (Ezekiel 36, 37; Isaiah 43; Zechariah 12:14). Let us pray that God will complete His work by the Holy Spirit in the Land of Israel at this time.


– Isaiah 66:23 –

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